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HOME|any|more|? Bucharest Triennale East Centric Architecture Bucharest, October 7-20, 2019 Call for projects and papers   For more than 20 years, The Arhitext Design Foundation has been developing editorial and cultural projects that raise awareness of the national and international state of architecture, urbanism, design and visual arts. The most important projects of the Foundation are the Arhitext Magazine and the Bucharest Triennale, dedicated to the Central and Eastern European region. In October 2019, the Foundation, in partnership with the Romanian Order of Architects and the "Ion Mincu" University of Architecture and Urbanism will organize the third edition of the Bucharest Triennale East Centric Architecture.


Mikhail Bakhtin theorized for literature a concept of immense heuristic value: the so-called chronotope, that is a determined space-time, a «world» in all its historical singularity’s complexity. Let it be clear, however: chronotope is not there by itself, it is not naturally given. Chronotope is a told imagined space-time, that is an imaginary world composed exclusively of writing, and primarily through narrative. Identifying a chronotope means to assign ontological value and status to an imaginary world, to trust them «blindly»