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«To create the right conditions for the use of public space is an indispensable part of the rehabilitation of existing residential quarters, in which most of the city population lives.» The Community centre Máj is located in the biggest 1980s mass-housing settlement in České Budějovice, an ethnically and socially mixed neighborhood. With an increased concentration of the Roma population, the district has been the site of tension and several riots.


The Windhover Contemplative Center is conceived of as a unification of art, landscape and architecture, to both replenish and invigorate the spirit. The sanctuary is located in the heart of the campus on a former parking lot adjacent to a natural oak grove. The extended progression to the building’s entry through a long private garden, sheltered from its surroundings by a line of tall bamboo, allows members of the Stanford community to shed the outside world before entering the sanctuary. Within, the space opens fully to the oak grove to the east and the Papua New Guinea Sculpture Garden beyond.