European Architectural Medals – Best Diploma Projects
At the University of Architecture and Urbanism «Ion Mincu» in Bucharest, on 23 and 24 November 2017, the EAM-BDP European

Best diploma projects
European architectural medals
The Architecture Faculties of Europe competed in Bucharest in the competition EAM-BDP 2017 – European Architecture Medals for the Best Diploma Projects
An important international event took place at the «Ion Mincu» University of Architecture and Urbanism in Bucharest, on 23 and 24 November 2017: the final jury of the EAM-BDP, the European Architectural Medals for the Best Diploma Projects – an international award, already at its third edition, meant to designate the best European diploma project in architecture.
The competition was organised by the «Ion Mincu» University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM), the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE) and the Architectural Council of Europe (ACE). 156 projects were received, from the 2016–2017 academic year, coming from 86 schools in 27 European countries. 30 projects were shortlisted and 8 of them were awarded.
The jury of the 2017 edition was made up of 5 members, including 3 representatives of the organisers and two representatives of
architectural practices:
Arch. Luciano Lazzari – ACE President
Prof. Arch. Karl Otto Ellefsen, PhD
Prof. Arch. Marian Moiceanu, PhD – UAUIM Rector
Arch. Boris Koruznjak
Arch. Rudolf Wienands
Besides the great trophy – the European Architectural Medal for the Best diploma project, three thematic prizes were awarded:
The ACE Prize for social impact,
The EAAE Prize for intensity and courage in problem solving,
The UAUIM Prize for artistic quality.
The winners of the 2017 European Architectural Medals – Best Diploma Projects are:
031: Negotiating the edge
Author: Andreas Prokopiou from: University of Nicosia, Department of Architecture, Cyprus
Tutors: Maria Hadjisoteriou, Angela Petrou, Yiorgos Hadjichristou, Markella Menikou
The project was awarded first prize because it contains within it most of the themes and aims that the Prize sets out to address. It tackles a real problem and provides an imaginative solution within a European urban context that has strong political, social and environmental significance. The proposal to reunite two parts of a city by superimposing a grid that does not destruct or obstruct, but rather superimposes above the low buildings a loose frame that re – stitches and unites, was considered by the jury to be imaginative while at the same time being pragmatic and realistic.
Moreover, this framework is flexible and expandable, so the relatively low impact of the architecture was considered to be a positive element that allows for real public interaction and involvement, with the possibility of spontaneous and adaptable development over time.
The student presents a well thought analysis, based on historical insight and involvement, creatively suggesting a better way to the future, integrated development of the city.
121: Node
Author: Jonas Albæk Christensen, from: Faculty of Architecture and Design, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Tutors: Siri Bakken, Gro Rødne
The ‘Node’ treats a real problem found in all large cities – the need to expand the existing metro system and insert new stations into a consolidated urban fabric.
The project represents an interesting proposal that successfully solves some important aspects:
• good relation with the existing buildings
• functionality and the fluidity of spaces
• access to the surrounding areas
• need for an expressive and attractive public space in both day and night.
Thus, the ‘Node’ becomes a hub that improves an existing city space, linking the street level with the underground, without significantly transforming the streetscape. So, not only does the project solve the functional challenges of the sitein an unassuming manner, but with great artistry and intelligence uses light, materials and textures, to create a new space that is both scenographic and dynamic.
078: Biological Research Platform, Bicaz Lake
Author: Andreea Irimia from: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism (UAUIM), Romania
Tutor: Arh. Octavian Neculai
The proposal aims to reconfigure the existing research station on the same site.
The form finding process starts with the existing simple boat houses and ends with very modest but up-to-date wooden structures with an extremely clear and yet sophisticated exterior skin.
On one side of the peninsula is the research platform, on the opposite side a similar building for tourist and leisure activities, the goal being that of combining the two activities in order to achieve a collective awareness of environmental problems and their possible solutions.
One great benefit of placing the buildings in the water is that of keeping the landscape relatively free and untouched by invasive building activities.
035: Sizigia
Author: Irene Campo from: Universidad Politecnica di Madrid, Spain
Tutor: Carlos García Fernández
A unique project that from a transcendental cosmic scale translates into the landscape of the Pontevedra estuary of Ria de Arousa. Thus the project evolves from of an undiscovered, wild, natural landscape to a recognisable landmark sculpture, providing a simple essence of public space.
The physical conditions found on the site are superbly transformed into leisure spaces, enriched and enlivened by the changing processes of tide movement.
Using artificial lightweight simple forms of modular ‘eucalyptus’ construction with varied functions, makes Sizigia appear to float over the sea and successfully creates a highly artistic presence in an ever-changing dialogue with water, atmosphere and time.
4 honourable mentions were granted too:
060: Benevolent Scarring: An exercise of social and physical palimpsest within a complex urban fabric
Sean Murphy from the School of Architecture, University of Limerick (SAUL), Ireland
tutor: Merritt Bucholz (Prof. Of Saul And Director At Bucholz Mcevoy Architects) & Andrew Griffin (Director At Urban Agency)
071: Supported transitional housing, Drogheda
Deepka Abbi from the Dublin School of Architecture, DIT, Ireland
tutors: Kevin Donovan, Cian Deegan
077: ASYLUM, Scottish Youth Parliament & Ministry of Education
Paschalis Kyrtsopoulos from the University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
tutors: Ewan Imrie, Elizabeth Smith
088: Powerful Spaces – Precisions on a present system
Diogo Veiga from the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP), Portugal
tutor: Helder Casal Ribeiro