Mars One
Mars One aims to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. Mars is the only planet we know of that

Bas Lansdorp, Arno Wielders
Mars One
Project team
Bas Lansdorp, Arno Wielders
Mason Peck, prof. dr. Gerard ’t Hooft
Founding year
Bryan Versteeg, Courtesy of Mars One
Mars One aims to establish a permanent human settlement on Mars. Mars is the only planet we know of that can currently feasibly support human life and will be humankind’s first step to become a multiplanetary species. Before carefully selected and trained crews will depart to Mars, several unmanned missions will be completed, establishing a habitable settlement waiting for the first astronauts to arrive. The Mars One crews will go to Mars not to simply visit, but to live, explore, and create a second home for humanity. The first men and women to go to Mars are going there to stay.
Mars One’s mission design is currently in the early mission concept phase, or as called in space development terms: Phase A. The top level requirements for the mission have been identified and discussed with established aerospace companies. In this phase, suppliers with relevant experience will be contracted to perform conceptual design studies for every major (sub)system required for the permanent settlement mission.
The next phase of development will be the detailed design of all elements needed to safely bring humans to Mars (Phase B). These detailed designsand further improved cost figures will allow Mars One to move the mission forward to Phases C and D in which all elements are built, manufactured, integrated and tested, and launched to Mars.