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All human activity is localised. Therefore, it is not outrageous to think that there might be a relationship between activities and the space in which they are situated. However, throughout history, this relation was: either strongly exaggerated, especially by architects who considered that architectural objects or space by itself, through its physical characteristics can determine human behavior and actions; either ignored, especially by social scientists, up to the point where architecture and space are but a simple background for human activity.


The family house is located in a stabilized area of detached houses and garden plots. Set back from the street, it has the same position as a former garden house. This provides certain intimacy and isolation. The central location of the house splits the plot into the front and rear garden. While the front garden is conceived as lush, informal vegetation, the rear garden hidden behind the house has a more functional character.


Conexiuni urbane și concentrare istorică.Valențele simbolismului istoric – trecutul esențial Asumarea / menirea acestei propuneri este de a realiza simultan conexiunea orizontală în țesutul urban spontan și promenada prin introducerea unui noi piațete publice deschise, ca o cameră-grădină în interiorul țesutului tradițional și în ansamblul istoric multidimensional, fiecare cu o anumită prezentare arhitecturală simbolică.