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The Ulma Family Museum of Poles Saving Jewish People during World War II in Markowa is Poland's first institution commemorating Poles who helped Jews. Within the museum's layout composition it is not only the form, but all the other elements, too, such as texture and material, that are to express the content related to the museum's message. The minimalist, abstract architectural forms that have been applied here trigger certain feelings in visitors. The ascetic shape of the building is reminiscent of a house. The symbolic vision of home, which is associated with love and security, was confronted by the designers with compositional forms that express


[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Best diploma projects European architectural medals  [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]038: Re-Constructing Porto: the Massarellos School of Construction awarded with THE EUROPEAN ARCHITECTURAL MEDAL FOR BEST DIPLOMA PROJECT Michael Lewis Tutors: Alex Wright, Anne Claxton University of Bath, United Kingdom   048: Berlin Palimpsest. Repurposing Urban Fragments for Community Agency awarded with ACE prize for societal impact. Rachel Tan Tutor: Robert Mantho Mackintosh School of Architecture, Glasgow School of Art, United Kingdom   006: A Symbiotic Relation of Cooperative Social Housing and Dispersed Tourism in Havana Vieja. Development and model for architectural prototypes. awarded the EAAE Prize for Intensity and Courage in Problem Solving. Iwo Borkowicz Tutor: Kris Scheerlink KU Leuven - Faculty of Architecture, Belgium   008: Chandigarh: Stone, Steel, Timber. Kindergarden in


Schiţarea unor strategii şi planuri de acţiune, precum şi identificarea celor ce le vor putea pune în aplicare, pentru salvgardarea atât a patrimoniului material (arhitectura vernaculară rurală), cât şi a celui imaterial (mod de viaţă, obiceiuri etc) pentru comuna Braduleţ (9 sate şi cătune componente), de către 5 echipe multidisciplinare de studenţi (arhitectură, urbanism, peisagistică, sociologie, drept, comunicare, economie şi administraţie), sub


Activităţile solicitate de o astfel de intreprindere sunt, pe scurt: scrierea câte unui eseu pe temă dată, dezbaterea în cadrul taberei (colegi şi invitaţi) a acestuia, prezentarea şi susţinerea în faţa publicului a lucrării finale, participarea la cel puţin trei dezbatreri ale lucrărilor colegilro de tabără, participarea la conferinţele susţinute de invitaţi.


Volumul «Conversia în context. Despre regenerarea spaţiilor industriale» este reprezentativ pentru contribuţiile aduse la problematica domeniului conversiei funcţionale a spaţiilor industriale, adunând la un loc concepte teoretice fundamentale ale acestui domeniu, concepte care ar putea să constituie baza oricărui proiect de intervenţie pe clădiri industriale. Cartea propune o analiză a calităţilor spaţiilor industriale şi a potenţialului de transformare a acestora, cu scopul evidenţierii unor fundamente pentru conservarea, conversia şi (re)valorificarea acestui tip de patrimoniu (abandonat). Interesul lucrării se îndreptă către acea parte a arhitecturii contemporane care se ocupă de regenerarea şi conversia funcţională a siturilor industriale, în vederea reintegrării lor


The renovation of ING Bank Turkey Headquarters was started with a project workout within the participation of current employees. By getting their current space experiences, it was aimed to analyze their needs and expectations to create a more dynamic and ergonomic office atmosphere that also meets their needs. Workshop outcomes show that majority of the participants is not happy with the color scheme, workstation placement and space organization. Meeting room amounts are not enough and not designed efficiently. Besides, no common spaces exist for socialization. Three out of four participants need to be isolated to concentrate on their work and


Frequent floods have deprived the locals of an access to the wild and beautiful landscape. For this project, TERRITOIRES chose the radical and minimal system of a wooden path, which is as smooth as glass. This path extends across the two neighboring villages, frequently teasing and eventually crossing the river halfway via a footbridge. The geometric contrast between the sinuous river and the path’s rigid lines give its visitors an astonishing sense of levitation, without ever touching the ground.